SOVAN® AG SoftTouch
Fistula plaster provided with antiseptic silver pad on hypoallergenic adhesive
Not adherent pad with silver ion releasing layer applied on breathable non-woven fabric patch coated with a silicone based hypoallergenic adhesive gel with SoftTouch technology.
Intended Use
Compressive haemostasis in extracorporeal and infusion treatments. Particularly suitable for the management of patients who need frequent dressings of the needles insertion points and also are subject to MARSI (Medical Adhesive Related Skin Injuries) problems, such as dialysis patients.
The dressing performs multiple actions:
- The silver ion-releasing film provides broad-spectrum antimicrobial action, helping to reduce the risk of infection of the venepuncture areas such as the arteriovenous fistula (AVF), the points of injection for blood samples and for the placement of peripheral venous accesses aimed at the administration of drugs or blood derivatives.
- Reduces the signs of inflammation related to continuous venepunctures
- Helps to prevent the formation of eschar, making subsequent venepuncture less traumatic for the patient.
- The SoftTouch adhesive film preserves the skin from mechanical damage caused by the continuous removal of the patch, a consequence of continuous treatments, favouring tissue repair.
- Optimal solution for patients who experience skin conditions with dry, moist or scaly skin, widespread conditions in patients undergoing, for example, dialysis treatment.

Available Models

* Do not use silver dressings on patients sensitive to silver
Find out more about SOVAN® AG SoftTouch
To discuss your needs or find out more about SOVAN® AG SoftTouch, contact us at Valiant Medical today